The Defence of Guenevere and other poems

auteur Morris, William (1834-1896)
contributeur Steele, Robert (1860-1944 ; médiéviste) > Éditeur scientifique
éditeur Alexander Moring Limited
The De la More Press
lieu d’édition Londres
date 1904
format LVI-255 p. : ill., front. ; 16 cm

Alexander Moring Limited, The De la More Press, 298 Regent Street, London W 1904.

Appartient à la collection The King's poets.

Contient : The Defence of Guenevere. - King Arthur's Tomb. - Sir Galahad, a Christmas Mystery. - The Chapel in Lyoness. - Sir Peter Harpdon's End. - Rapunzel. - Concerning Geffray Teste Noire. - A Good Knight in Prison. - Old Love. - The Gilliflower of Gold. - Shameful Death. - The Eve of Crecy. - The Judgement of God. - The Little Tower. - The Sailing of the Sword. - Spell-Bound. - The Wind. - The Blue Closet. - The Tune of Seven Towers. - Golden Wings. - The Haystack in the Floods. - Two Red Roses across the Moon. - Welland River. - Riding Together. - Father John's War-Song. - Sir Giles' War-Song. - Near Avalon. - Praise of My Lady. - Summer Dawn. - In Prison.

sujet Ouvrages -- 20e siècle
type texte > monographie
langue anglais
droits Document placé sous "Licence Ouverte / Open Licence" Etalab
univers William Morris
cote 252263
localisation Bibliothèque Pierre-Sineux
période 1900-1949
manifeste iiif